NEXT> by Ramla @
NEXT> by Ramla is seeking collaborations with like-purpose websites and print publications. To test-launch the idea of syndication, NEXT> and its creator, yours truly Ramla, have been publishing a carefully curated list of trends at since February 2007.
I was wild with joy when Jeremy Gutsche, the visionary young owner of TrendHunter, made me a Senior Trend Hunter within two weeks - in acknowledgment of the quality of trends and the writing of content. I would give credit to the purpose that I dedicate NEXT> to: searching for a better possible future, envisioning a better tomorrow and creating solutions and strategies for it.
Here is a selection of my favorite trends:
What is LOHAS? According to LOHAS.COM: “LOHAS is an acronym for ‘Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability,’ a market segment focused on health and fitness, the environment, personal development, sustainable living, and social justice.”
[Read More...]
Barnes proposes Capitalism 3.0 that protects the commons while preserving the many strengths of capitalism as we know it. His major innovation is the commons trust—a market-based entity with the power to limit use of scarce commons, charge rent, and pay dividends to everyone. [Read More...]
No longer do tourists have to just walk in and out of a very “interesting area” - they can actually VOLUNTOUR. The idea is to “combine travel and service” - says [Read More...]
More next time!
Check the portfolio here. Some trends are available at the NEXT> by Ramla blog, most only on
E-mail: nextbyramla AT
wow.. that is an amazing place to be writing on. i have been a big fan of and have always imagined myself to be a trendwatcher working for them. but this trendhuntr thing is even bigger. congrats.
Thanks, Tamseel.
You know you could really give it a try. I kept thinking about what - how - when to contribute to Trendwatching, and with TrendHunter I just did it. It was easy after the first go. the good thing is that there's no pressure to contribute, nobody finds out if your piece is turned down, talent is appreciated, so nothing to lose. :)
my limited exposure level always makes me look at the local cases which feels as if the world would always have 'been there/done that' already so nothing to report.
btw, what is this next by ramla. as in, what does it really do? it sounds quite futuristic for pakistan's standards
@ Illuxon:
:) Well, perhaps the latest posts would make you re-evaluate your "limited exposure." Local reporting is a unique advantage, my dear, tons of websites are dedicating themselves to it!
NEXT> is a global consultancy in the making about issues we all care about, but were afraid to own - such as bringing human values to work. We are told by institutional education that we are NOT supposed to care about these things.
NEXT> is an idea that's based on POSSIBILITY and ABUNDANT CREATIVITY rather than limitations and scarce resources. It's a work-in-progress, and I learn from my own ideas - b/c there's a gap b/w our lofty ideas and our scripted practices.
Pakistan has many, many, many unique elements that we are made to feel ashamed of, courtesy a lingering colonial/ feudal mentality.
sounds mighty interesting, but i would admit that the concept is a little blurred in my mind, probably because its like something i have never heard before.
so if i were to put it in a nutshell, next> is a management consultancy with some radical ideas about how the world works and how it should really work.
the thoughts are quite revolutionary and i just hope you are able to muster enough support from the world around you to really make it happen.
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